The Annual Sudilovsky Busel Community Advocacy and Leadership Prize
About the Competition
In tribute to the life of Esther and Schulamis Busel, in memory of Abraham Sudilovsky z"l, and to address critical issues in the Ethiopian-Israeli community, the Ethiopian National Project (ENP) has partnered with the Sudilovsky Busel (SB) family and the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh (JFGP) to present the Sudilovsky Busel Community Advocacy and Leadership Prize.
Participants in the Ethiopian National Project’s (ENP) programs are invited to enter, either individually or collaboratively as part of a group, a competition in which extracurricular projects on topics around the themes of "Excellence", "Aspirations", "Advocacy", "Cultural Integration", and "Legacy" are to be formulated, developed and reported:
1) Excellence: Project sculpted around the theme of achieving excellence, determination, drive, hard work, dedicated efforts and more.
2) Advocacy: Project sculpted around the theme of making peers or community members aware of a cause or issue and encouraging them to take action.
3) Cultural Integration: Project sculpted around the theme of intercultural sensitivity, tolerance, and understanding.
4) Aspirations: Project sculpted around the theme of identifying dreams for the future and what is needed to achieve them.
5) Legacy: Project sculpted around the theme of preserving culture, pride in one's identity and heritage creating a legacy for their family and community as well as for those not in their own future circles.
Criteria for Award
The nomination and selection process will take into account the relevance of the project to the Ethiopian community as well as the author(s) activism, dedication and commitment while elaborating a path of engagement and advocacy for their community and Israel. It will, where possible, offer the local communities an opportunity to vote in support of the potential winner(s) among the nominated candidates. Among the likely/specific criteria to select the winning work are: Adherence to proposed themes and bibliographic research; Relevance and answer to real needs; Incorporation of some social improvement; Technical or methodological innovation and/or creativity; Difficulty of execution, replicability and implications. Demonstrated high level of social sensitivity and motivation. Project must relate to one of the listed themes.
Prize Winners
One project will be selected as the Prize Winner. Prizes will be awarded at the Annual ENP-JFGP-SB National Youth Summit, to be held this year on June 20th, 2023 in Jerusalem. Prize winners will be announced at the Summit.
2022 Winner
Petach Tikva
Ulpanat Yeshurun
Zehava Amara, Workenesh Yalo, Antenesh Abiya, Yerus Zeleka
2023 Winner
Tirat Carmel
Ariel Junior High School
Daniel Sama, Yonatan Maharat, Fiker Metiku for their group project on cultural integration and legacy “Bridging the Gap”.